Cash Book
Cash Book
Ordinary Binding (O/B binding)
- Also known as Kona pusta binding
- Paper quality: 65 GSM green ledger paper
- Dimensions: 19.5 x 32.5 cm
- Made of superior cloth hardbound premium quality material and gloss laminated printed cover
- Available in No./Pages: 1/64, 2/128, 3/192 & 4/256
White Binding (L/B binding)
- Paper quality: 65 GSM green ledger paper
- Dimensions: 19.5 x 32.5 cm
- Manually stitched and white canvas hardbound for longevity
- Made of gloss laminated cover
- Available in No./Pages: 2/144, 3/216, 4/288, 5/360, 6/432, 8/576, 10/720 & 12/864
Red Binding (R/B binding)
- Paper quality: 70 GSM green ledger paper
- Dimensions: 21.5 x 34 cm
- Manually stitched and red canvas hardbound (R/B binding) for longevity
- Made of PVC rexine cover
- Available in No./Pages: 2/144, 3/216, 4/288, 5/360, 6/432, 8/576, 10/720, & 12/864
- These are all approximate numbers of pages
- The number of pages is inclusive of the cover and the index page
19.5 x 32.5 cm | 21.5 x 34 cm
65 GSM | 70 GSM